The compliance management system of the all for one group*
Compliance with law and internal guidelines is a top priority for the All for One Group. We are aware that customers and business partners place trust in our actions and that our lawful and ethically impeccable conduct is a basic prerequisite for our entrepreneurial success, our further growth and our excellent reputation.
The Compliance Management System of the All for One Group forms the basis of our integrity. The system wises up about legal risks and offers "help for self-help". Our Compliance Management System thus underscores the corporate culture of the All for One Group, which is based on personal responsibility and mutual trust.

A company is the mirror that reflects its staff**
With this in mind, the Management Board of the All for One Group SE adopted the All for One Group‘s Code of Conduct. The Code obliges employees to comply with the law and internal guidelines and also establishes principles for legally compliant and fair dealings with employees, customers, suppliers, competitors and third parties.
Members of the Management Board, Managing Directors and managers act as role models in complying with and practicing the Code and live the „Tone from the Top“.
It should be noted that the Code of Conduct not only sets out the claim of the All for One Group to the integrity of its employees. It also reflects the expectations the All for One Group has of the conduct and integrity of its business partners.
The Code of Conduct of the All for One Group can be downloaded here.
Serious Sustainability: Commitment to Social and Environmental Responsibility
Policy Statement of the All for One Group
The Supply Chain Due Diligence Act (Lieferkettensorgfaltspflichtengesetz, LkSG) came into force in Germany on 1 January 2023. The law introduces extended due diligence obligations for companies regarding human rights and environmental aspects in their own business area and in the supply chain.
The All for One Group is convinced that long-term success is only possible if human rights and environmental aspects are respected and taken care of along the supply chain. The All for One Group has specified the principles of its human rights strategy and its measures to fulfill human rights and environmental due diligence obligations in its Policy Statement on the commitment to human rights and the protection of the environment. It represents the binding basis for the implementation of due diligence obligations within the All for One Group and supplements the groupwide Code of Conduct.
The All for One Group's Policy Statement on the commitment to human rights and the protection of the environment can be downloaded here.
Detecting and effectively Preventing Misconduct
Reporting System & Complaints Procedure of the All for One Group
To identify and prevent misconduct as effectively as possible, the All for One Group has set up a Complaints Procedure with various reporting channels. The Complaints Procedure is part of the All for One Group's Compliance Management System and offers employees, customers, suppliers and other third parties the opportunity to report violations of applicable law and the All for One Group's internal guidelines or to ask general compliance questions. The Complaints Procedure can also be used to report human rights and environmental risks and breaches of due diligence obligations within the All for One Group or its supply chain. Specific reports of suspected violations are then examined confidentially by the All for One Group's Compliance department. When submitting a report or question, you remain anonymous unless you consciously decide to disclose your identity.
The All for One Group's Complaints Procedure has the following channels through which reports can be submitted to the Compliance department:
- By telephone under the number +49 (0)711/78807 403,
- by email to the address compliance@all-for-one.com,
- by post via All for One Group SE, for the attention of the Compliance department, Rita-Maiburg-Straße 40, 70794 Filderstadt-Bernhausen,
- in person after making an appointment at compliance@all-for-one-group.com,
- electronically via the protected reporting system Integrity Line under the link https://all-for-one.integrityline.org (to ensure your anonymity, please copy the URL into a new tab).
Please note that the Integrity Line is not part of the All for One Group's website or intranet but is provided by the external service provider EQS Group AG exclusively for this purpose.
Rules of Procedure for the All for One Group's Complaints Procedure can be downloaded here. They serve to create transparency and contain the most important information on the Complaints Procedure in a comprehensible form.
The All for One Group consists of All for One Group SE and the following subsidiaries: AC Automation Center SA/NV, AC Automation Center S.à.r.l, All for One Austria GmbH, All for One Customer Experience GmbH (Deutschland), All for One Customer Experience GmbH (Österreich), All for One Poland Sp. z.o.o., All for One PublicCloudERP GmbH (Deutschland), All for One PublicCloudERP GmbH (Österreich), All for One Steeb Yazılım Servisleri Limited Sirketi, All for One Switzerland AG, ALLFOYE Managementberatung GmbH, All for One Analytics & Insights GmbH, blue-zone GmbH (Deutschland), blue-zone GmbH (Österreich), All for One HR GmbH, Empleox BPO GmbH, All for One HR GmbH (AT), All for One OSC GmbH, OSC Business Xpert GmbH, All for One OSC SI GmbH, All for One Egypt LLC.
** AGG Conformity: If only one gender form is used for reasons of simplification, any other gender form is expressly meant.