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All for One Gaming

Our Esport Teams

Epic battles, tactical moves, heroic fights - what does Esports have to do with IT & Consulting? Quite a lot! We need team-based strategies for success. And we love and live digitally. That's why we also play digitally. Many of our colleagues - no matter how old, no matter what department, no matter whether mobile, console, PC or Game Boy - are gamers. Even our CEO plays, and quite successfully at that. Supporting, cheering, participating - for us, this is one of many opportunities to celebrate successes together, strengthen skills, and have a lot of fun along the way.
All for One Gaming
All for One Gaming@ Level-Up Festival 2022

eSports @ All for One

Gaming & Social Responsibility

Everyone knows the clichés. Online gaming is only for nerds and the opposite of brain jogging, addictive and a waste of time. It's not just in the minds of concerned parents that numerous concerns haunt us. We are aware of these issues. Our goal is to deal responsibly with the topic of online gaming and eSports. That's why we don't just go to virtual battlefields, but also to the nation's classrooms, for example. Our goal: to create awareness and provide targeted education around the topic of "playing online & being online".

You have questions?

Ansprechpartner Harun Laasri
Harun Laasri Expert Employer Branding with focus on E-Sports
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